CB Lab build-up

August 2022 - June 2023

Location: Zürich, Switzerland

Commissioned by: Clubbüro @ Rote Fabrik Zürich

Photography: Mar Glumbiarres, Studio C.A.R.E.

Pictures are showing:

► inital design process together with community

► installation of first drywall layer (or facing formwork)

► first drywall layer finishing celebrations and pretotyping of interior

► installation of (entirely acoustically decoupled) second layer facing formwork.

► installation of the cantilver ceiling and air circulation

► assembly and installation of multimedia floor outlet boxes and cable funnels

► installation of the (entirely decoupled) floor

► wiring sessions

► finishing of second facing formwork with ROSy panels

► absorber assembly and installation

► technical ceiling installation

► planning and installaton of the media outlet faces for outlet boxes

► fabrication of ROSy compatible ”mushroom” absorbers

► sweetspot measuring

► final touches

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